Fine… I’ll go back to being antisocial - but is a tariff war gonna happen with China now?
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Fine… I’ll go back to being antisocial - but is a tariff war gonna happen with China now?
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Is that spam or facts?
The worst part of being menfallly ill is that EVERYBODY demand to tell you what to do
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It’s embarrassing to be treated like a child when you’re 47
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You have to ask permission for any and everything TAF
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I could never in my life be a kept woman f all that I want my own money!
I’m sorry not even my boyfriend… my parents are fucking with me tonight
I forgot what I was going to say…
I remember what I was gonna say now… Please make them untie me and give me back the gifts god gave me to make it thru life please +
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It feels like you are literally tied down with invisible rope and you can’t move… idk how they do it or how it happens
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It felt like god himself was punishing and I couldn’t understand why
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Punishing me*
Is that why he went down - was he/they the ones doing it to me?
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I reported to psych, police, and hospitals - they locked me in mental
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Psychs and therapist have a legal obligation to report a crime like they but they helped them
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Nobody would believe or help me
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They even put a cigarette out on my vv
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It was torture mentally and physically too
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I have a law suit chance for st Mary’s in Waterbury and wake med in Raleigh - they never called the police or checked and I had DNA
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My therapist just CALLED st Mary’s and told them to put
E in mental and they did
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My therapist just CALLED st Mary’s and told them to put
E in mental and they did
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My therapist just CALLED st Mary’s and told them to put
E in mental and they did
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My therapist just CALLED st Mary’s and told them to put
E in mental and they did
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I saved dna at my boys house too that his bitches decided to light me up with instead - they knew but as long as it wasn’t them it was oh so funny
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I saved dna at my boys house too that his bitches decided to light me up with instead - they knew but as long as it wasn’t them it was oh so funny
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I saved dna at my boys house too that his bitches decided to light me up with instead - they knew but as long as it wasn’t them it was oh so funny
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I can’t confirm whether or not I have a baby, I can confirm the gang rape that everyone watched and didn’t do shit about it, I ca t confirm whether or not I’ve been shot… amongst other things and I’m not even a part of any secret society
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The Feds were on the site they knew what was going on and won’t stop them or help either
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I gave up talking shit for lent so I’ll shut up
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PS pac there wasn’t a beast monitor for n my dads hospital room when he died
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And beasts turn me off
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Well the death certificate says heart attack
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I got peoples too… just have to find them…
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Cause I saw 50 as a ghost and he ain’t dead so maybe
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I love my hell mate he pulled me out of a very dark place
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I’m starting to stand back up again
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But if you don’t get them off of and away from me they gonn knock me back down everytime… I don’t understand why I have no powers or defense
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My siblings THINK they understand the way it be and nobody will just talk point blank
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What my baby had to die for?
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I love ghosts… they my security
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I never agreed to give or share my body with no one and I didn’t change my religion either - there is a god and people who are confused
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Yes … I do believe missy fleiss was selling me I’m like 80% sure
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Name a friend she didn’t pimp out
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Sorry… lent
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The lawyers won’t call me back
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I was just trying to write… be myself… I glitched a little when I moved to Norwalk and just went down… for like the 5
Th time rebuilding a life for myself - why they just won’t let me?
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Let me mind my own business and build a happy life for me and my family and hell mate and real friends… I’m not going to meet my daughter this loser
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Kevin came around… I’m allergic to him and get sick around him easy
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And every time
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Keeping secrets from me and setting me up and manipulating me id a never to return pls don’t even try
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The only people that can make this right to me is pac, 50, and a lawyer
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I got approved for disability from state s d their network reversed it
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Like they do every time
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No I want them out my body… it feels gross and they disrespect me
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They do everything but stop and leave me alone
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I don’t want to or need to trace
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I don’t impress easy… my dad used to have money
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In fact it’s a turn off
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That someone would flex their power while keeping me poor
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Why do they fuck with the head of someone they know is mentally ill?
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Wasn’t me smh and lol
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My old friends deserve each other
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I just not going to suffer cause they liars and cowards
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Sorry… lent… I’ll drop it
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Time is flying too fast
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Got the picture to prove it
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I just don’t understand why she thinks she’s so untwined in my life and story
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I went to throw her a surprise party bought her besty a plane ticket to come… she got mad I invited Rivera and flipped out and cancelled it - so I cancelled the ticket but still gave it to Jess - just didn’t want them together being mean to me… for my birthday I get OD’d and wake up in mental we didn’t speak again until a few weeks after the assault she called to apologize and I believed her
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I thought I was hallucinating when I saw her outside the courthouse cause I’m mental
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Then when I woke up spitting glitter I asked her about Tim she laughed and said she with family and hung up on me
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She started a fight with me and Rivera so I’d leave gb and get an apartment with her - she changed the lease before she OD’d me for her to be major me be minor - I was major at signing cause I had a job… then she was done with me
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Tired of them bitches for real
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I moved on with my life and she came back to rape me
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I still here her and feel her in my flesh and it’s gross as fuck and annoying as all hell
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Honeslty… wouldn’t give a fuck
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I was fine mentally until Kevin came around again
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If they all just leave me the f alone I think I’d be ok
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I was at work and typed die to myself - I ran out crying and called my mom cause I knew they were back and they haven’t stopped since
My best friend died the other day… sad as fuck and been pretty quiet - the family didn’t want it all over social media. She kicked cancers ass for 20 fucking years and it came back with a vengeance in like 3 weeks. She truly was special and beautiful and funny and real and that girl was my heart
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Been talking with old friends kinda remembering who I was before I got sick with mental and J was always SO supportive of me being crazy and never treated me different a second
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Remember When?
I can name the second I fell in love with you
Cause you had me cracking up cursing out you know who
And that’s what I loved - the real in you
Far from a gangster but point blank too
One of my dearest friends… there anytime I needed you friend, rare, and that’s where our friendship begin… so I’m a start like we always do…
Remember when?
Guys feel free to chime in
Remember when we thought we were smart leaving in a car during school?
I picked you up at the corner and the ACE van was at the light just playing it cool
Caught - suspension was the rule
But back then we didn’t care and just laughed like fools
Remember when the pay phone hit jack pot? Spiting out quarters like it was a slot… and it was a lot!
I mean we saw more fun then most folk got
Remember when we’d play with Es walkie talkies and use them to talk car to car
And we were just playing but they actually went pretty far
I said I was in hot pursuit of Adam Apple Bury 123
And you came back check 4 and it was just the delivery
So they pulled over
And again we laugh but dang you just blessed to have known her
She was beautiful with the full package not just a loaner
We had a lot of fun…
Remember when we crashed that airport party to see the fireworks and avoid traffic
It was 4th of July and one of the holidays that is part of me
More so than tragic
And history
One of the things that is saddest to be
One thing I’m so glad you got to be
A mommy - and your children grew up so beautifully
Remember at work the times we’d just hang out and talk - how about when the integra pulled up right after Joni and you just pointed like Cher LOOK!!!
Yeah that ac got took more than a little bit…
My heart is broke right now… legit
But these memories still make me smile
If they ask me to forget about you or them it’s gonna be a while
We were waiting to do sky dive simulation… that’s what sucks but cancer don’t give 2 fucks
Too much J I miss you so much already
But I mean it, come and get me when ever you are ready!!!!
Cause life lately…
I just need the saner part of me
I used to say you in my prayers now I keep you in both with the memory
Your family will always be in my prayers too and I’m just praying when I get to the gates you remember when and remember me and remember how much we loved you - Jayme J… my biggie to my 2
You’re a real life angel now… girl I love you! ️
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He ex husband just made me cry… memories, life, youth… like it’s all surreal right now - and to picture us would be to picture 2 Lucy Ricardo’s together
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The Paris ro my Nicki, my biggie to pac and just… sad as fuck right now
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Nah what was crazy was it was the day before biggie died and she had a biggie bumper sticker and biggies music was playing all day… I swear to god I wouldn’t doubt if she was with him right now
I didn’t share all the memories… we both got food poisoning from eating Wendy’s too much - we’d pawn my brothers CDs from Wendy’s money lol
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Her nephew had the coolest toys… we took his spy kit into the woods cause our boyfriends lived a few houses away from each other - we got in the woods and couldn’t see shit but when we walked out I screamed cause my bf was leaning up against my car lmfao
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We had so much fun
I’m not engaging stalkers get Raigsn out of here @Candy
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Why they took down my open mic