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Thread: Tim vs. OG Maestro vs. Baron Mynd (WCM Finale)

  1. #1
    Best in the World Tempest's Avatar
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    Tim vs. OG Maestro vs. Baron Mynd (WCM Finale)

    Quote Originally Posted by Baron Mynd
    "Invitation to Hell"

    The darkness engulfed her beautiful skin
    as she started to tumble through the abyss.
    As she continued to spin toward the unknown
    the high-pitch she vociferated caught in her throat.
    The fall wasn't broken until such time had surpassed
    that the poor thing awoke as she arrived with a crash.
    Sideways she glanced to take in her surrounds
    before trying to stand, only to find something pinning her down.
    She winced at the mounting pressure applied to her back
    but from this position she's powerless to try and react.
    "There's no fighting this," cackled an anonymous foe
    "Where am I?" she had snapped "I want to go home!"
    The voice dropped to a low octave, many times that which it had spoke,
    and her body had froze as the ominous tone laughed "This is your home!"
    Within that moment there was a sudden bursting of light
    she blinked uncontrollably to find him stood over her with a scythe.
    With one merciless strike the poor woman had been marked for death
    where the curve of its knife-blade had passed and carved an X.
    "Shall we start again?" the sarcastic sadist spat with malaise
    as she grasped the scarring flesh with a hand to her face.
    A sharp vascular pain jolted through the length of her being
    as she tried to answer her jailer, only to find her strength had depleted.
    "Don't you get it yet, heathen?" he hissed with a rasp
    "You were sent here to me for your sins in the past,"
    "Then kill me!" she panted. He snorts "Haven't you figured it out yet?"
    "This is about wrath, dear girl - this isn't about death!"
    His eyes were simmering round embers that seethe as he speaks
    "I've witnessed the countless friends you've lied to, cheated and fleeced,"
    "There's people I've seen help you..." the Devil sat and observed
    "...only for you to repeat your deceit once their back had been turned!"
    He glanced at the girl menacingly while he weighed up the facts.
    "Maybe it's time I grant what you've earned," he paused. "I'll make you a pact,"
    She waits for his gambit. "If you can climb from the pit,"
    "and escape from the shaft, then I'll let you live!"
    Right at that instant she was expelled from his hold
    and blinded by pitch-blackness as it enveloped her whole.
    Her senses on overdrive as she struggled to see
    then fell on the broken glass shards under her feet.
    They cut her to pieces, the stygian blood drying to scabs,
    and her becoming numb to the feeling with the more time that elapsed.
    Her slight little hands crept the crepuscular course
    until they finally happened upon the foot of the wall.
    Upward she crawled, as she'd cling to its edge,
    pulling her wrought body up with everything she had left.
    Her fingers were red and calloused, almost buckling under the strain,
    but she picked up her head and then pushed through the pain.
    It took her an age before her arrival at its peak
    as she shuffled her weight slowly and started climbing to her feet.
    "After all the times you were deceitful in those fables you'd tell,
    and you don't know a liar when you meet one?" he scoffed.
    "You're staying in Hell!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim
    He Awakes
    His Living Nightmare……

    Behold, the unrolled scrolls of a controlled fate
    that told of a bold, souls' face that sits in a cold place
    ashes tormented his hands, as torture soon did expand
    rising up from his bed, only to step foot in the sand
    The wind pushed its voice, into his eyes pushing back pupils
    Winds crested the faulting cold, into the scorching symbols
    Shattering egotistical fakes with fictional faiths
    Adding additional breaks in each individuals grace
    He meditates for heaven’s sake, exhales clouds
    Inhales sounds that break down profound compounds
    Mountain shaped tears and rainbow like smiles to see
    Fountains take years to let rain go and soak a child's dreams
    Take a walk with him through the many gateways of lost logic
    Where fate preys on rotted rawness.. A raped thought process
    Shaped into monsters wreaking havoc on his cerebellum
    A twisted structure stands alone shadowed by tortured felons
    Misfortunes dwelling, a sanctuary for the sick and twisted
    A blistered misfit aiming at emotion, Swings and missed it
    Raging giants of sadistic temperament stand inside the gate
    Silently wait for a sane idea to pass for them to violently break
    Hazy views of truth are visible from the Asylum windows
    But then those, while brief only add fuel to his grim flows
    Keys held to unlocked doors of secret truths
    To fertilize a breath assassinates the meaning of you
    unable to see this, life's obviousness remains his wish
    the true repercussion of a kiss, the ever-inability to resist
    “To me you taste like honey in the moonlight.
    The honey your mother used to put you to sleep-
    A teaspoon should do it.
    Now go run along and play with your dreams.
    I will sit here until you answer life’s sweet and sour call.
    Looking out the window of a childhood.
    Your invisible friend that isn’t friendly at all.”
    what? so, he wants something to miss, but like a stench, it lingers
    too busy dreaming of a Neverland, and the sight of rings on fingers
    after being fully awake, his past time gave to rising
    dusting the morning's dust out his eyes, never came surprising
    Distorted time.. Til their only focus was deforming mine
    Locked away in padded rooms are creatures torn from battered wombs
    Moaning for thoughts to feed on before they lay in tattered tombs
    A ‘Mad Hatter’s’ doom is found where imagination and logic mix
    Brandishing verbal chainsaws and warning that’ll listen close
    The envisioned hosts of his mind are imprisoned ghosts
    With risen hopes of taking control of his entire mental
    Desiring control of his cerebrum to set fire to pencils
    Forcing him to scribe his bizarre tales of mind state in blood
    Follow the following, borrow dreams without flare
    It's easier to swallow tomorrows greed's without care
    The talents taught should be perfected towards a message
    As balance stopped.. This legend tried resting but stayed restless

    Quote Originally Posted by OG Maestro
    On The Other Side - The Grass is Greener
    -A Story of Human Nature

    "Fucking niggers" said The Officer as he brandished his Smith & Wesson
    Today he retired from spraying innocents with rounds: a man that disinfected
    Lowered the brim of his hat, eyeing them down with the wind at his back
    "The sickness of blacks" must be eradicated, it was all simple as that
    Call on his radio, "a surprise at the precinct" he squinted his eyes at the reason
    Ignited his engine & realized the guys have been telling lies as of recent
    Driving & wheezing, he trails down toward the road to the station
    Lit a cigar, for a hit of the tar. tossed it out the car; a load off his patience
    Pulled up to the building, stepped out & walked inside, definitely bothered;
    Lights were off, then an explosion,
    All he heard in the commotion was "Happy Retirement Officer Carter!"
    The ceremony began. Shallow pale faces in the dark station; spectral figures
    "Well I'll be damned, there ain't a darn thing missin' I reckon..except for niggers",
    Said Carter. after the ceremony, the Captain got his family on a vacation
    The wife of the Officer said, "Bob Carter, you can't stand to be complacent"
    They went home, packed up & grabbed the black truck: enormous station-wagon
    Bottled pressure ready to burst -- but Bob was forced to contain from happening
    "While we're gone maybe the slaves will kill themselves" he said, coughing in patterns
    Speaking on the civil violence in the depths of the projects: objects of caverns
    "They're a lot of SAVAGES & ANIMALS, after 25 years I never got lost in the madness"
    His wife smiled at him, nodding & filling her suitcase with fine cotton & fabrics
    Wealth: their dogs were placed on board, each named with astronomical planets
    Wealth: Mars & Pluto. Dogs treated better humans: that's the logic in fragments

    Their journey was ecstatic at first. But after 5 hours Bob kissed at his cross,
    On his neck. Then he prayed under his breathe, he was thinking he's lost
    His wife yelled at him; the sands of time started as a bottle of ashes
    He shouted "I got this, we're NOT lost" his warped mind in chronological lapses
    His son said "yes the fuck we are", Bob turned back & attacked him
    Lost control of the wheel, he crashed & the trailer detached from the wagon
    Bloodied & bruised, their dogs lay outside. the son went to run in his shoes
    Bob looked at the dead dogs, & his totaled station-wagon as all but money to lose
    "Now what are we gonna do!?" said his wife hearing footsteps & screaming
    Bob went to talk -- he saw a masked man stab his son, then next the bleeding
    Perplexed & seething, he grabbed his .45 dumping the clip into his body
    Illuminati; light sparked, then a wave of mutants were the newest party
    He closed the windows to the car, everything he seems to sight scares,
    Him to death. He heard,
    "You know how it feels to live death? When life is dreams & nightmares?"
    The sadistic cannibals rocked the car, fear wouldn't allow them escape
    Bob reached for his emergency hatchet & got out, refusing to drown in this fate
    He swung at the creatures one by one, hacking their guts, slicing them open
    Blood splattered on the canvas; brushstrokes from a knife without motion
    He stared at the massacre in disbelief, he fell to the car fast & couldn't breathe
    But it wasn't over. They never thought they'd live in these canyons & never leave

    1 month later..
    The desert temperatures became second nature; they were barbarians now
    For food they consumed the bodies of the cannibals that were laying around
    The kids died by week 1 & the 3rd Bob beat his wife to death, down into submission
    Then they saw glowing embers, -- state trooper lights surround the position
    Bob jumped up & down,
    Meanwhile The Captain stepped out: "what a shame, what a waste"
    "This experiment has failed...let's get rid of them before this game is traced"
    "Sorry it had to end this way..." He grabbed his shotgun & aimed at his face
    The Hills hid his fame from disgrace, they all went insane for this place.

    From the other side, the grass was greener.
    Vote Yes.

  2. #2
    Best in the World Tempest's Avatar
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    Re: Tim vs. OG Maestro vs. Baron Mynd (WCM Finale)


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