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Thread: Wicked - The Portrait

  1. #1
    That Shit Cray Chris Black's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Battle Record

    Wicked - The Portrait

    The Golden Proportion & Hence Forward Present..

    The Portrait

    My spastic style
    proves I'm the bastard child
    of madness, piled
    on my ancestor's backs.
    It's foul:
    how, masked in clouds,
    my history's contorted
    and casts in the bowls
    of a hidious portrait
    that lasts, still, now..
    ..A hidious portrait that lasts, still, now.

    The Painters: a rotten cast
    prove I'm the bastard son
    of a forgotten past;
    locked and masked
    by clever brush strokes
    which blot the trash
    of thier plots to smash my blod's will,
    but succeed, my blood will
    and I will show them what a man is
    when I spill my drink on the painting
    and reveal the canvas..
    ..When I spill my drink on the paintingand reveal the canvas.

    May god bless the day
    I was born a bastard son
    without a yesterday.
    My mind was streatched in ways
    so I'd admired The Painter's artwork.
    I respected the hard work
    until I relized
    it was the cause of my heart's hurt.
    They took from me - From us.
    But fuck thier art.
    I'll show them what a stand is
    when I spit my drink on the painting
    and reveal the canvas.
    Trust me. I will reveal the canvas.

    Hence Forward
    axis powers

  2. #2
    That Shit Cray Chris Black's Avatar
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    Battle Record
    Writer's Note: I'm trying a new style with this one. I wrote the first stanza of this in a cypher. I had to further explore it. It's about the image I learned of "my" history in through conventional schooling(The Portrait). The last stanza explained how I admired the writers of history(The Painters). Later in life, I hated them though. They were why I didn't fully know my past and it was a bullshit month of the year and, in public schools, almost all of the image was scued. Thier clever brustrokes mislead me, and the overall theme is to find my past, in order to find who I am. And in doing that, destroy the bullshit image that The Painters force-fed me as a child. I think it also has undertones of being fatherless, and that hurting my wish to know my past as well. There are many different levels this poem reaches for me. I just wanted to share some with this note. I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading.

    Ps. Lol at this being longer than the piece.
    Hence Forward
    axis powers

  3. #3
    Fear Before The March Foreshadow's Avatar
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    When di you come back wick.

  4. #4
    That Shit Cray Chris Black's Avatar
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    I'm using my grandmother's computer. I won't really be back for a couple weeks.
    Hence Forward
    axis powers

  5. #5
    better than legendary Neruda II's Avatar
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    Damn good use of imagery and metaphor. I really like the fact that you used a different style than most cats around here. I hate it when people don't like something because it's in a different style, or when people are afraid to experiment with something different. You seem to evolve, slowly, but you evolve. I remember that I didn't really like your style before, but I see that you have become a great writer. You combined emotion with imagery, to forge a great poem. What really caught my eye was your rhyme scheme, fast, with good multiple rhymes, and internal rhyme. I really liked this poem. The first work that I've seen from you in a long ass time. I hope you keep dropping, I'd be more than glad to give feedback.
    murder murder

  6. #6
    you never ready Fiasco's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    The flow of this was ill, i'm really feeling how you set this one up and basically let each line fill you in on the last, it seemed to cascade down to the end, you've got a fan

  7. #7
    Fear Before The March Foreshadow's Avatar
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    Portland, Oregon
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    nice job wicked you did a nice job with the flow and the new style was just great nice work.

  8. #8
    That Shit Cray Chris Black's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Battle Record
    Thanks for the feed.

    Hence Forward
    axis powers

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