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Thread: jus showin one of my verses

  1. #1

    jus showin one of my verses

    still unsigned,
    still one mind, behind this cat's grill,
    still mo's tighter then most who higher ghost writers to show higher levels of RAP SKILL,
    still gat's kill,
    still wanna-be thugs in the rap game to see 2pac's 'will'!!
    AND still mothers cry,
    tell my mother i'd change the world just to see those tears fall from another eye,
    still i love you aiiight!
    still won't rap soft to get paid or get laid,
    or so i won't be in the line of fire when those twin tec's spray,
    while most of these cats just spray it through hear-say,
    i jus pray that i'm protected by the aiet-el-kirseh(a muslim thing which you pray protects loved ones or possesions)

    thats my trade mark verse... masses have heard that and like it so let me know if you do or dont

  2. #2
    k explain and dont fuckin waste space where i could be gettin feedback... that just shows you aint about shit but gettin status... weak man... i aint gona hate though cos it'd seem i am bitter cos you said you dont like it but i aint, sounds better in audio, cos its over a sick beat!! but i can deal with one opinion but cant deal with a status seeker so fuck off!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Battle Record
    wow u talk to much

    for the guy who made this spit

    u had a basic flo and rhyme nothing stood out and ur structure was way off
    wasnt feeling this at all . jus work on it alot and elevate hope to see u try another one

  4. #4
    a basic flow?? are u for real, almost all my lines were multi's... nothing stood out?? not even the ghost writer line??
    i am deffo gonna try another but dude i think your comments are way off, point me in the direction of something you DO like so i can see what your taste is!! could be commercial about cars, watches etc could be some spiritual shit... either way i wanna know and thanks for the Feed Back!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Mifflinburg, PA
    Battle Record
    needs legit title.

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