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Thread: Challenge.1 :: Countdown

  1. #1
    Get Touched abiona's Avatar
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    Awards Haiku Season Champion

    Challenge.1 :: Countdown

    In a poem of any length...
    use the numbers 10-1 (counting down in order) as a part of the lines.
    the next person counts forward from 1-10 and so on and so forth, 10-1 and then 1-10.

    I'll start it off so you can see what I mean.


    ps... abi punchlines are played

  2. #2
    Get Touched abiona's Avatar
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    Re: Challenge.1 :: Countdown

    10 dollars and a cup
    purchase temporary salvation
    drowning each of the 9 lives in
    8 shot glasses
    full of seagrams 7
    insomniac, praying for the 6 o'clock sunrise
    add a 5th of vodka to the equation
    to further blur the eyes
    lying prostrate, on bended knees
    with palms to the sky
    calling to the 4 corners in supplication
    with tears in the 3rd eye
    awaiting morning in mourning
    because in the darkness
    i dream of 2
    and remember that now there's
    only 1.

    ...and that's not much without you.

    ps... abi punchlines are played

  3. #3
    Verge the Great Masahiko.'s Avatar
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    Re: Challenge.1 :: Countdown

    One moment please.
    I could have sworn I've seen you two
    loving the glow of each other.
    So three's a company
    and I'm no longer an interest
    until we turn this bicycle into a car,
    Until I find the fourth.
    I guess five more minutes
    six seconds, and No.
    I'll wait no longer.
    Seven Wonders of the World
    and what of the eighth?
    Ignorance.. wishful thinking..
    Where is she?
    Nine inch nails clawing like a cat.
    Fingers like daggers.
    I can't think of Ten reasons why I'd want that.
    So I guess it's just me and you buddy..
    The Legion

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    HoF x5

  4. #4
    microcosm spokenoh's Avatar
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    Re: Challenge.1 :: Countdown

    If the 10 days we spent
    laying in bed never happened,
    and the 9 nights we never
    slumbered were ideal dreams
    I'd be caught in the web
    of your 8 legs, weeping
    & finding rest in solitude
    on the 7th day
    dreaming of a half-dozen
    poems I wrote
    about the 5 fingers I held
    in mine, the 4 limbs
    tattooed by my tongue -
    3 times you sighed before
    waking in my arms,
    and when we were the two
    that knew what it meant
    to really love
    one another.
    can I kick it?

  5. #5

    Re: Challenge.1 :: Countdown

    One person,
    suffering in two lives.
    They breathe the air,
    of a third world tragedy.
    Burning every tree,
    touching the four corners of Earth.
    They close their eyes,
    and countdown from five.
    But Jesus mumbles six,
    so they re-think everything.
    It's Christmas and your alone,
    with seven dead angels outside.
    The clock strikes eight,
    your the ninth wonder of the world.

    This isn't the life you want,
    misery, confusion and pain.
    So countdown from ten,
    and pray that it's not too late.

  6. #6
    pre-meditated mindset MoMaui's Avatar
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    Re: Challenge.1 :: Countdown

    fish conspiring with the ocean numbered ten
    stamped, and swindled by nine queens,
    with eight long legs to drag freaks
    they're judged for sins, the deadly seven
    six the cure, but an ultra violet execution
    korben saves the five elements for dallas
    covering up alaska's fourth kind
    heretic of the trinity, a parastic blade
    note: two lives intertwine in love books
    to rule them is one name him lord

    ^^ all lines relate to films
    Words are always getting conventionalized to some secondary meaning.

  7. #7
    TreaZoN sILLable's Avatar
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    Re: Challenge.1 :: Countdown

    now i have only 1 bullet loaded
    2 guns with no clue whos dangerous
    taking 3 steps backwards
    dust kicked up from 4 feet
    ive only got 5 seconds to draw
    the 6th second hits and im shocked
    my grips closed on 7 pounds
    resting in its holster,my eyes point up
    8 limbs rest in the dirt
    i counted 9 breaths before death
    10 sherrifs stopped the wild west draw

    so much for solving a pokers loosing hand cowboys!!

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  8. #8
    Pat Blynd's Avatar
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    Re: Challenge.1 :: Countdown

    10 minutes pass and nothing...
    ink suddenly spills upon my paper
    9 ideas clawing and scratching
    writhe in my brain to be
    dominant, over the other 8 but...
    too late, they're all discarded
    I curse at myself and...
    Driving to the 7-11 I realize...
    I've never truly composed a poem
    6 have previously been worked on...
    They were all thrown away, stupid
    Pensively, I wonder what is better
    Should the 5 finger discount be employed...
    Should the employed worker catch me
    I can think of 4 ways to elude him
    $3.21 isn't enough to risk this for
    2 men exchange money and item
    Lonely as I wonder aimlessly back...
    1 last day of mediocrity...
    I say again
    "A Poem can curve
    Like the bell of a tulip
    Or a pistol grip"
    -Joel Dias-Porter

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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: Challenge.1 :: Countdown

    You could label me a
    Tin man with no gusto, but I'd say nine(no)
    I'm just a softy at heart who lost his spark
    Through out my journey I've encountered monsters who ate portions of my sanity
    but I can't cease venturing down my path
    That's why I grew a sick sense of humor otherwise I'd never laugh
    In this life I've realized you must learn from the past but never look back
    And you should always use ample time to think before you act
    Guess now I understand the reason for this labyrinth: Ree(to sift)
    between the lovers and haters liars and thieves
    Too many like me, easily swayed from what they believe
    when you realize you've already won, then you'll finally be free.

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