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Thread: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

  1. #1
    ::..VOCABULUS..:: 143's Avatar
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    Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    Sacred Scriptures Magazine
    Hybrid Edition

    Weeks 2 and 3

    Click on the video....


    By Mr. Hardy


    Clash of the Titans. Both men know how to develop in depth storylines. Both men know how to build consistent rhyme schemes. This'll come down to whoever brings the most heat this week. Self Activate is coming off of a pretty easy landslide victory while Mr. Hardy is looking to redeem himself. Possible Battle of the Week and don't expect voting to be very easy on this one.


    Another Clash of the Titans. Two members of Peaky Rhymers and two seasoned writers. Both men have concepts for days and both men can rhyme you under the table. This battle will come down to who has more time on their hands. I gotta predict LE to take this 60/40.


    Interesting battle of the upcomers. Illy should be looking to redeem himself after accidentally dropping a poem in the topical league last week. While Judge Mentill will be looking to redeem his loss in general from last week. I haven't seen a lot from either writer so I don't have much to go on but based on what I've seen in the league so far I gotta give this one to The Illyricist. If he comes with a topical verse, the guy has some smooth concepts. 70/30

    REVELATION 18:3 VS 143

    A bible salesman walks into a pub... anyway, this'll be interesting. On one hand you have an upcoming writer will mass potential battling a season veteran with some deep fucking storytelling. Based on what I've seen I can't see Revelation taking this at this point in his writing. 143 gets my prediction. 90/10


    Another interesting match. I've never seen Diffy write. O Block seems more Text based. And Endeva has been writing Topical for years. This is interesting because if it were O Block vs. Diffy, I wouldn't know how to rate the prediction or who to go for. But when you throw an experienced winner like Endeva into the odds. I give it to him 100/0/0

    Last Week Battle Ratings

    Mr. Hardy vs. 143 4/5
    LE vs Judge Mentill 3/5
    Self Activate vs Sammy 3/5
    Nahlidge vs The Illyricist 3/5


    Welcome to the league, what about this league appeal to you to have you sign up?

    What's up 143? Happy to be here.

    There are a couple of reasons why I signed up for SS to begin with. However, I'd would prefer to discuss the reasons why I stay active instead. To begin, I love the spirit of competition. I think we all do. SS is like "battle rapping", except in topical format. Who doesn't want to push the pen and see how their work stacks up against some of the site's best writers? Everyone here is striving to be the best or at least become better in the craft. The competition here is high. Thus, to even survive from round to round you have to dig deep and bring your best to the table. If you don't ... you'll quickly get your head chopped off. Personally, I love that sort of environment and pressure. It keeps thing interesting.

    Also, the topics. The topics are random. They're far reaching. You never know which ones you'll have to tackle and usually the ones you get are outside your normal comfort zone. Because of this, you really have to use all your skills and imagination. Ultimately, it forces you to become more diverse in your approach to writing. Inevitably, you grow, you expand, you become better. So it's a win-win scenario in the end.

    What are the pros and cons of this league?

    Pro: Having a legit reason to write. Striving to become better in sight of a goal or an award. Also, knowing that your work will not simply be just glossed over but, truly read and examined by other great writers. *Guaranteed feedback is definitely a major perk and rewarding aspect of the league.

    Cons: lack of interest in the league site wide. Constant fluctuation in participation. And elongated moments of downtime.

    Who do you think, other than yourself, is or are the ones to look out for?

    Honestly, I think it's too early to single any one particular writer out. Trust me...I would love to. But right now who would I choose? Thus far every writer has displayed a tremendous skill set. Ultimately, it'll come down to consistency. Who can maintain the highest level of writing per round -- every round. In the mean time however, I see everyone as a potential threat for different reasons.

    Who would you like to battle topically if you had a chance?

    Good question. To be real...uh...I don't know. With me it doesn't really matter. Whoever steps up I'll be ready for them. I think everyone brings their 'A' game against me most battles. I know I try to bring mine. Like I said, one false slip and heads will roll. It's a two way street and it doesn't matter how dope you are. It only matters what you bring into the battle on that day. Personally, I suggest every weapon in your arsenal. LOL. That's kind of my mind frame each bout.

    Who are your influence in the Rap game and or battle site scene?

    I was never introduced to rap. I was born in it. It's my culture. I'm part of it and it's part of me. In saying that, my influences span different decades and eras. I'm kind of a culmination of so many different styles. I wouldn't even know where to start. Uhmmm...let's see. I think Nas has to go first. After that. UGK, early T.I., Immortal Technique, Tupac, Dead Prez. I like Lil Wayne and Sage Francis. Jay-Z, Kanye, J. Cole, Drake, The Gift of Gab, Ras Kass, No Limit, Kendrick and Jay Rock, Mos Def, Jay Electronica, A Tribe Called Quest. I don't know. I like so much. What influenced me? Everything and everyone. Just at different points in time. I literally could name 50 more mainstream and underground emcees with ease.

    In terms of the Battle Rap scene. I'll keep it simple. Loaded Lux.

    Top three women you would want waiting for you in bed.

    1. My Girl
    2. Rihanna/Megan Good
    3. A young Catherine Zeta Jones. But she could still get regardless. That vintage twat ain't bad either.

    Any last words?

    Not really. Just thanks to you for holding down the league and...that I hope everyone shows this week. The competition looks exciting. It was last week. So let's keep it the momentum going. Peace and love.



    Welcome to the league, what about this league appeal to you to have you sign up?

    I like writing, it gives me a reason to. Sometimes I get busy and don't set aside time to write and when I get in the mood to, I have writer's block because I haven't written anything in a while lol. So I figured I'd sign up. The competition is fun. And topicals is where it's at b.

    What are the pros and cons of this league?

    I don't see pros or cons of it. If you like to write and dig competition, then sign up and participate. That's what this league gives you. At times you might complain about the competition (like someone once did, then asked for a better opponent just to sign out. pffft) so maybe that could be a con I guess. But you still get the challenge to write to a topic that you wouldn't have necessarily chosen. So that's still competitive. So that's a pro. The only con is if you don't like writing topicals you won't like it I guess. But who doesn't like writing topicals? Lames. That's who.

    Who do you think, other than yourself, is or are the ones to look out for?

    Based on what I saw last week, Viral/Mr Hardy and Self Activate might be able to beat me b. But they won't. Unless of course some sort of miracle happens. But it won't.

    Who would you like to battle topically if you had a chance?

    I've never wanted to battle a specific person. Any writer has the potential to flourish in any match. I usually don't even read my opponent's drop. I go into these battles looking at the topic as my competition. "What's the best way I can fuck this mother facker up? What can I write based on this lil ho' ass topic that is gonna get these voters to like my shit a lot mo' than theirs?" Maybe not word for word, but that's the convo I have with myself every week when I'm in a topical league. Not to discredit writers, but as I mentioned any writer can write something amazing if they find the inspiration and things come together right. So I always prepare and write something as good as I'm going to no matter who my opponent is. I'm just here to stomp the cats who think they can write better than me. All of them.

    Who are your influences in the Rap game and or battle site scene?
    So many. Funny someone mentioned a Joe Budden vibe to what I wrote last week. He's one of my fav artists. So he's one. I try to capture the same type of emotion and feel his music gives me in what I do. Music can stir up emotions and feelings. I want to pluck on those chords and fuck with whoever's listening/reading. Common has been another been influence on me. That honest/real life rap. Not the glamour and glitz, but the nitty gritty shit that normal people go through every day. And then for the spice/braggadocio, Jay-Z. Best rapper alive.

    Top three women you would want waiting for you in bed?

    My fiance lol. Quit tryna get a nigga in trouble.

    Any last words?

    I like the amount of interest I see in this league from the participants. I've seen you say you have plans to make this league as fun and competitive as it can be so I hope people stick around and compete. That no showing and signing out shit is lame. Write while you're on the shitter if you have to lol. Oh, and I'll be champ soon mitches. So just sign out now, no point even trying.

    Judge Mentill

    Welcome to the league, what about this league appeal to you to have you sign up?

    The SS league is a hub of the most talented and active writers on RB. I didn't want to just sit on my arse in OM, knocking out keystyles and topicals when and if I felt like it. When I signed up to RB I wanted to earn an accolade or two. Sacred Scriptures is the place to do it as a topical writer.

    What are the pros and cons of this league?

    The Pros? That it encourages talented writers to be on their A game by facing other talented writers and giving them the time limit to put together a well thought out piece. The Cons? That they're aren't more people signed up to compete, also that the topic pool isn't a communal one instead of being specific to the battle.

    Who do you think, other than yourself, is or are the ones to look out for?

    L.E. since I just lost to him. Nahlidge is a card-carrying vet and SELF-ACTIVE is another one who caught my attention.

    Also, anyone in Peaky Rhymers is a threat.

    Who would you like to battle topically if you had a chance?

    Probably one of the old champions if there's any others still active.

    Who are your influence in the Rap game and or battle site scene?

    Wu Tang, Canibus, Lupe, Rakim, Nas

    Top three women you would want waiting for you in bed

    Taryn Manning, Danai Gurira, Gina Carano

    Any last words?


    The Illyricist

    Welcome to the league, what about this league appeal to you to have you sign up?

    Thanks for the warm welcome. The quality of the writers in the league for one thing. I think I've got natural born competitive instinct so being pitted against other writes for a 'victory' appeals; even though I feel we all become better writers when we sit back and realize it's not a competition. Though, if it motivates then I don't got a problem with it. Anyway, running off on a tangent there. I enjoy reading high quality pieces and that's what I've seen here thus far, and if I've got other people around here that I've got to live up to and win against then it makes me better as writer day in and day out by constantly writing. Also, everyone seems cool and fun. I'm more of a poetically voiced writer so coming in here is a breath of fresh air. Makes things interesting, I always like to take a new perspective and write to different angles.

    What are the pros and cons of this league?

    The pros are that we get to write pretty much every week. We get to read some really dope content that isn't out on bookshelves written by people who might be half way around the world. When you think about it, it's really fucking cool. The content is great, and is a chance to gather some quality learning and feedback on my own writing. The cons? Not many, but I think the competitive sides is always a slight con because if we write too hard towards trying to 'win' and beat the other person/impress everybody I feel like we lose out the soul of the piece. Ya' feel me?

    Who do you think, other than yourself, is or are the ones to look out for?

    Shit. Well, Judge Mentill is pretty dope. Quite enjoyed the piece he brought in the last week. Self Activate is really great, he's got a fantastic imagination and the way he pieces the words together is pretty damn impressive. Mr. Hardy and Sammy if they ever get back here. Both have incredible potential; the day they tap into it and return would be something to see and intense competition that's for sure. I also gotta say you 143.

    Who would you like to battle topically if you had a chance?

    Number one as of right now? Idk. I might say Atti. I feel he'd bring it, and so would I. Emily would be pretty dope to battle. SELF ACTIVATE and Judge Mentill are high up on the list as well. This is difficult cus' I haven't seen enough of everybody to really get a feel on that. I'd probably want another go at Nahlidge now that I get the formatting and style 'round these parts now.

    Who are your influence in the Rap game and or battle site scene?

    I wouldn't say anybody got me into the battle site scene except for maybe my best friend growing up. We found rap beat videos on youtube and saw people writing rap lyrics to them battling it out way back in like 07 or 08. Seemed fun so we fooled around with it for a bit. I had a blast, and that was maybe one of those particular moments that guided my subconscious towards the written path. As for rappers. Shit. Lupe Fiasco for one. Maybe a little bit preachy, but I still feel he's one of the deepest reaching lyricists out there. Big L, maybe cus' he's got the complete opposite attitude of mine with all that aggression on the page. He fuckin' brought it though.

    Top three women you would want waiting for you in bed

    Jennifer Love Hewitt, especially in her prime. Hot damn! Leanna Decker because I got a soft spot for smokeshow redheads. Jada Stevens cus' dat ass, nothing more need be said.

    Any last words?

    I'll just leave y'all a quote from one of my favorite books 'The Separate Peace' by John Knowles.

    "All of them, all except Phineas, constructed at infinite cost to themselves these Maginot Lines against this enemy they thought they saw across the frontier, this enemy who never attacked that way – if ever attacked at all; if he was indeed the enemy."

    Open Mic

    These are some of the drops that are lighting up Open Mic section....


    Sermon in The Parking Lot

    staying idle, praying in silence, paging the bible
    the adoration of idols.. I had to make my arrival

    Enter Black Friday.

    a bleak morning in November, the date well marked
    the deprived assembled before the gates of Walmart
    waiting for Halmarks, products made mortals realized
    by an unholy spirit of Capitalism any soul materialized

    an eerie sight, packs of hungry customers on stand-by
    the paradigm of these times, "give in to the franchise"
    It's high time for mankind to rise beyond cheap bargains
    my preaching started between the meat and the market

    uhm, pardon, I am Harbinger, transcendence incarnate
    so please seize gazing at me like I'm mentally retarded
    inhabitants of the Mall, I call upon your innate awareness
    I'm quite embarrassed, how humanity is just "care-less"
    dignity done perished, you're like androids solely sleeping
    consumerism will never feed the empty void in your being

    no sign of agreement, they looked at me like true scum
    -hey, this is too dumb! who in the hell is this rude bum?

    listen to the truth son! now I might sound soft here
    but your brains are running on corrupted software
    heed our lord's prayer; into temptation yall been seduced
    individual significance reduced to what's being produced
    bought, consumed, for corporations to meet some goal
    let the real be told; consumption will deplete your soul!

    silence filled the air, all I heard was a slack sound
    from the gentle wind breezing in the background
    sadly that drowned, as soon I started speaking loud
    pleaded the crowd; have my word reached you now?

    I felt calming peace around, they knew highness spoke
    but in a rather violent stroke, suddenly all silence broke
    no need for violence folks! but they stormed with rage
    enormous hate, and this was to be the Coming of Apes?
    some things don't change, agony was worrying imminent
    -how dare he patronize us - the hard working citizens!

    you're hurting an innocent! I said before losing cognizance
    it was ominous, my beaten body left with no consciousness
    grab that prophet's legs! and then firmly tape his ankles!
    some of corporate slaves wanted to make an example..

    fate was entangled.. Father, is this truly your will, Lord?
    I plead this prayer while being pinned to a neon billboard..
    I searched inward, If I had any ego it would be offended
    and to bluntly end this..
    I don't have a clue if humans ever could be amended..

    Peaky Rhymers: Judge Mentill, Mr. Hardy

    Life Is A Roach
    Judge Mentill and Mr. Hardy

    A dusty bar in the sticks, a lone spark in the ditch
    A microcosm that this stranger ties his horse to the hitch
    Pushes the doors in with a swing, a draft of stale smoke
    Glides to the bar; a silhouette in a pale cloak
    His stance is as rigid as piano keys that ring
    Ragtime, some old number:

    "Allen, please don't sing!"

    A cracked voice wavers briefly before the boo's cut the chorus
    While the stranger sips his whiskey, scanning the applauders
    The gleam of drunkard's dribble at the corner of his mouth
    The smell of tin in his nostrils like poison pouring out

    "Excuse me sir, do you have a light?"

    He spares a nod and a wave
    Steps outside with the man on the plod to his grave
    The flare of fire from the matchstick illuminates his twin fangs
    And the victim understands that his fate had switched hands
    A quicksilver flash, then teeth are tight on his throat
    With an immortal's resignation that life is a roach.

    Once the god of war, now I'm trying to settle on Earth,
    without meddling or worse, clinging onto a beveling curse.
    Fitting in isn't easy, breathing for example deceives me,
    and if I love a human being, eventually, they'll leave me.
    I wish to be a mortal, to be forgiven for my sins at last,
    yet, my kin would laugh watching me depend on masks.

    I'm often confused watching humanity abuse their truths,
    abuse the roots they've been given and refuse to produce.
    They fall further and further as decades burn through,
    to escape "the lord's noose", replaced by your ruse.
    Technology is killing nature, constantly spilling vapors,
    filling prayers with chilling layers, degrading their muse.

    Long after the human extinction, I'll be here in the cold,
    a new species with rise from the bones because life is a roach.


    I am liking the growth that is going on right now. I see it trying to return to the glory days of SS and believe that we can compete with those from that era. Keep at it guys, y'all are the lifeline for this league and we are being watched. Next week mag will have a different competitor give their prediction for the battles. I will make sure that everyone will have a chance to do a prediction. Thank you again and BRING IT, SON!!!

    @SELF ACTIVATE @Nahlidge @Revelation 18:3 @Endeva aka DEV @Diffy @O Block @TheIllyricist @Judge Mentill @143 @L.E @Mr. Hardy

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    Best Topical Writer: 143

  2. #2

    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    This was fucking dope. Damn @ you sounding like you could be a character from The Wire or a Wesley Snipes film.

  3. #3
    Super Grand Heru SELF ACTIVATE's Avatar
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    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    ^^^Yeah, 143 sounds like an OG. Nigga started talkin and I thought my uncle walked in the room lol.

    Also, I like Nah's interview. Although, we'll see what's up when the time comes. But, our thought process is exactly the same. I don't even read my opponent's verse until after we both drop. I just focus on the topic. I feel if I come hard enough it's gonna be a mission to beat me.

    Dope fuckin mag bro. Probably one of The best I've read.

    Last edited by SELF ACTIVATE; February 26th, 2016 at 07:07 PM

  4. #4
    The Wind Sings TheIllyricist's Avatar
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    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    Great fucking mag, 143. We got a good cast of characters, and I love Nahlidge coming out with the smack talk. Good shit from everybody, lol.

    ^And, I second (third?) the things said about your voice.
    “Those whom life does not cure death will. The world is quite ruthless in selecting between the dream and the reality, even where we will not. Between the wish and the thing the world lies waiting.”

  5. #5
    Landed Emily's Avatar
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    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    143, cool mag. Great interviews. Good work.
    Thank's for the shout out 143, I appreciate you and what you do.
    Thanks to the great people here, who make life more fun, because of RB.
    You're a great community of writers and I'm glad, and feel lucky, to be in the same pool as you.
    Also, the writing calibre is inspirational. Can't beat inspiration.
    You guys rock.

    Last edited by Emily; February 29th, 2016 at 06:05 PM

  6. #6
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    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    Cool mag @143 glad that you took this league over, good work

    - - - Updated - - -

    Appreciate the OM Spotlight as well

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    the theory of cause and effect is flawed,
    we expect the outcome to mirror the struggle, that's wrong.

  7. #7
    Landed Emily's Avatar
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    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    yep, and the PC. LOL

    share the lurve!!!

  8. #8

    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    Cheers for the OM spotlight too 143.

    2 mags in a row woot!

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    Nahlidge - Mr. Hardy - L.E - Judge Mentill - Self Activate - Witty
    OM Hall of Famer

  9. #9
    The Witness. Witty's Avatar
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    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    Should The Witness make a surprise comeback and dominate all competition like the good ol' days?

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    24 x OM Hall Of Fame

  10. #10

    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    Cocky as ever, go for it.

  11. #11

    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    ^ What he said.


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    Nahlidge - Mr. Hardy - L.E - Judge Mentill - Self Activate - Witty
    OM Hall of Famer

  12. #12
    The Witness. Witty's Avatar
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    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Mentill View Post
    ^ What he said.


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    24 x OM Hall Of Fame

  13. #13

    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    Quote Originally Posted by Witty View Post

  14. #14
    Landed Emily's Avatar
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    Re: Sacred Scriptures Season 15 Weeks 2 and 3: Hybrid Magazine

    Quote Originally Posted by Witty View Post
    Should The Witness make a surprise comeback and dominate all competition like the good ol' days?

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