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Thread: Keeping it 120

  1. #1
    Merk Squad
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    Keeping it 120


    this bum is nuts, takes a second to sum him up: hurtin & worthless
    indirect line of sight & still only deserves 3rd person in verses
    dude plays the part, his patterns show he's a joke when you see him
    typical day for Art: drop a verse in the morning, beg for votes in the PM
    as wack he's forever plastered, fact: he's not a clever bastard
    far as text, I don't like Art's & craft is something he never mastered
    I'm coming with guns, & as for being friends I'll forever pretend
    another one of my sons, in fact he's just Lay with an M on the end
    here's the frame: picture this faggot Art wearing colors like a prism
    I rainbows & arrows on this bitch like me & Wux went in to get em
    hard facts. I'll compound this beating with a shot to the brain
    Art never talks back. his lips are sealed he just Mona lot from the pain
    his behaviour's a disgrace, this crackpot should never have mentioned me
    & his portraits are a snapshot of what poverty does to you mentally
    regrettably, he never gets pussy by this own clown's admission
    but no one suspected he's a fag, Art can't even arouse suspicion
    take a look at his history, obvious his bitchness is perfected
    didn't mean to name himself Art, this little snitch is just dislexic
    he started it, but he'll run to admins & say I bully him instead
    it's not slander, when Art's libel to prove every single thing I said

    @Kill Spree

    ur passive agressive shit is annoying, don't know what ur alluding to
    didn't put you in the 1st OM, cuz that's a bigger diss than including you
    you act cool one minute then fag out, who knows what you'll do next
    & I never pay attention to your verses, it's not worth my two cents
    get the message. you ain't a killer ur transmitting pure lies, pathetic
    your name doesn't signal talent it telegraphs the fact you're diabetic
    you've always sucked, ur lines reflect an illiterate coward blanking
    at one point, is where you'll stay in any legitimate power ranking
    this is gettin grisley. Kill can't even buy respect, his shit's sloppy
    wouldn't hit the bear minimum shopping spree's photos with Chrit's body
    always act cool when I'm around, but your pits sweat when I key hard
    hate me in secret, otherwise you'll be admitting yourself to the ER
    ur not mentally prepared for this, bro you know I'm gonna savage
    check the receipts, every spree I'm involved with results in a ton of baggage
    guarantee you'll sign out when I'm finished, but you might be alive
    honestly you better backup now cuz I'm completely wiping your drive
    typing demise, bucking you quick. everything you speak's worthless
    it's no surprise, I Wilson you. crushing KS is my chief purpose
    no cap, I'll scalp you like a tomahawk my words got heavy sway
    you ran outta steam awhile back but stay getting baldur every day

    @God of War

    watch him evaporate into smoke no joke, I don't care he's wreathing
    I'll grab his throat & squeeze til I restrict the Ares breathing
    only time I put my hands together's to clap dog I stay on a streak
    I've never asked you for shit, but it's obvious I prey on the weak
    offered him to join Merk Squad & he leaves me holdin my breath
    so I'm just clowning around, leaving this bozo's nose swollen & red
    we're actually cool, to be completely honest I got a lotta respect
    from you, I earned by years of putting my foot on your neck
    I would never hurt you on purpose, so your full name I won't tell
    but I might accidentally let it slip the real acronym's GOL
    don't bother responding against $pit homie just save you the fall
    I miss the days we went head to head, your girl really gave it her all
    I'ma contributor. my punches always rock it cuz every hook caught
    I'll help you save the site, but no promises dog those sockets look gaunt
    I gotta lot of awards, it's no surprise when I dent your teeth in
    but I pay homage often, thanking you in acceptance speeches
    we're both giants in text when it comes to bruising kids
    I mean, you're small in a couple ways but you XL at losing big
    I'm firing shots in your head, everyone knows I played you now
    the squad offer still stands, even though I laid you out

  2. #2
    The Man in Black Soule's Avatar
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    Re: Keeping it 120

    That verse against Art might be the strongest I've seen from you. Don't think there's a single bar I don't fuck with. Definitely back to form here. The Kill Spree verse was pretty good. Fucked with the photo shop bar and the power ranking bar a lot. God of War verse was cool. Liked the Ares breathing line. Bozo line. Nice work man.

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    Originally Posted by Wuxia
    You're a really talented writer. And I've only ever said that to Baron Mynd.

  3. #3

    Re: Keeping it 120

    Man....this is what i remember this shit being about, battles, and disses. I feel like people forgot about disses. but onto your verses, your flow is always ridiculous bro, it just goes really well, you can tell you record.

    lmao@ your opening to the Spree verse, that was really nice.

    ur not mentally prepared for this, bro you know I'm gonna savage
    check the receipts, every spree I'm involved with results in a ton of baggage

    that is fire, and again, the flow is smooth as fuck.

    as wack he's forever plastered, fact: he's not a clever bastard
    far as text, I don't like Art's & craft is something he never mastered


    man, this was dope, nice to see you have constant bars still coming.

  4. #4
    Merk Squad
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    Re: Keeping it 120

    Thanks brothers, I will keep the content coming. Hopefully it will inspire others to return, and those still here to grow.

  5. #5
    BRB, Jumping Ship Baron Mynd's Avatar
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    Re: Keeping it 120

    I fucked with Ares and Bozo for sure

    what that GOL one mean though? completely went over my head sorry

    WORD P e r f e c t !


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  6. #6
    Merk Squad
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    Re: Keeping it 120

    God Of Losses, God Of L's, I mean.. at the very least nothing good anyway

  7. #7
    Wulverine Wuxia's Avatar
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    Re: Keeping it 120

    You should compile all your verses into one place were I can regularly go back to check them. I do that alot with God Of War, Dominate, and Orc's material. I haven't seen them battle in years but their stuff is readily available when I have time to sit down and read. I used to spend most of my reading time on political news and books but I said fuck politics after a number of years. When I'm not reading something Wuxia-related I check out alot of these guys old verses. This OM and the other one you posted were dope. Anything that inspires me to write is worth revisiting.

  8. #8 STONED miracle's Avatar
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    Re: Keeping it 120

    That drop a verse in the morning beg pm line was hott

  9. #9
    Wulverine Wuxia's Avatar
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    Re: Keeping it 120

    You guys need to check this shit out. I'll move it back to OM after a week or so.

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