does anyone want to go a few lines
does anyone want to go a few lines
i’ll throwndown with you. you’re still the LLL champ right? since that league is dead right now, we should see if @miracle would sanction a title call out & we can make it an official LLL match. up to you though. might get some others interested in the league & that belt is collecting dust.
Stfu bitch nobody gives a flying fuck about your opinion. Let’s not forget the 10 aliases u joined with to vote for yourself you fuckin faggot.
You Killed all the activity we had left here with your ass plunger BF Verseman. KYS now u running around here talking to yourself and quoting your own lines nerdy ass bitch.
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Begging for attention pussy ass wigger.
Verseman Got banned for voting for himself. what a Whack Faggot.
Jack Swallows is whiter than Justin Timberlake dropping nigga bombs. [Smh]
at this clown ass nigga.
stay in your coward ass lane, boy boy. grown men are talking. & clearly yoU give a fuck about my opinion or else you wouldn’t be here fondling my sack uninvited.
you clearly still butthurt @Nohbody debunked your idiotic alias conspiracy theories.. & it’s funny cuz literally the only nigga prancing around the forum right under two accounts is you @Knox ville /@r!cantheoryzweak hearted, projecting ass coward bitch.
oh & where is this proof of my unadulterated whiteness?? lmao right. you’re still making up fairy tales cuz you’re a delusional cuck who still thinks he’s The Only Non-White on the Internet™
you a pathetic coward.
& site activity is down because moderators are busy living their actual lives which means the leagues are stagnating, you halfwit.
but yeah. keep reaching for excuses and blaming others for your uselessness, coward.