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Thread: Tournament Schedule (CLOSED)

  1. #16
    Your The Jackass. KnoXville.'s Avatar
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    Re: Tournament Schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hallows View Post
    you were the activity/value in the tournament???


    son, WUT??? what the actual FUCK did you do here that gives you that delusional & idiotic ass impression, coward?

    all you’ve done since the start of the tourney is bitch, complain, cry, no-show, shit talk other participants for their contributions, shit talk the league runner over activity, never vote and drop shit verses when you did manage to show up late to your rounds.

    you bring dollar store brand value to the standings, nigga.

    & lmao @ you mockingly complaining that “there are only 4 participants” here.. nigga you realize how bad you have to be to be losing in a tournament where it’s damn near guaranteed you win a prize if you just show up & put in a bit of work? lmao “4 niggas here” & you still can’t secure a bag so you gotta sign out like a pathetic, spineless, cowardly waste of everyone’s time.

    oh and since when does your non rate ass speak for the moderators & admins? you look stupid as fuck tryna pretend you know anything about anyone on this site. you don’t even know who the real father of your kids is. but it’s funny seeing you constantly bringing up “staff” when you’re the one who volunteered for a moderator
    position & got consummately ignored like the nobody you are. projecting ass coward.
    See how ass hurt you get? Before you joined this site everything was great before u and ur gay Boyfriend Wanted to ruin everything.
    You cried cuz they didn’t give u a job promotion on a free forum lmaoo
    So u just went around getting on your knees blowing everything your way. That’s your style not mines fuck boy.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The mods don’t even log in anymore that says a lot u ruined the site u faggot.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bag Mandela View Post
    Given you & Jack have a particularly negative relationship Jack's response was to be expected, but I'll be honest n say your presence in the tourney has definitely added value, even going off at the gay bars round kept it interesting & the beef with Jack has been super entertaining to watch. It's at a point where that battle is more hyped than the final is.
    Bro I ain’t gonna lie I know wtf I bring and do every time I join a league. There was MFs logging in that haven’t logged in on RB in MONTHS cuz I bring activity. Aside the bullshit I actually compete and battle, hold shit the fuck down. Of course Jack gonna hate he’s been an hater since he joined. Unlike jack who sucks dick and thinks he’s a dope rapper by giving everybody non sense feedback the guy is a complete moron. And a cock swallowing delulu.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bag Mandela View Post
    Given you & Jack have a particularly negative relationship Jack's response was to be expected, but I'll be honest n say your presence in the tourney has definitely added value, even going off at the gay bars round kept it interesting & the beef with Jack has been super entertaining to watch. It's at a point where that battle is more hyped than the final is.
    Don’t gass him up plz the guy is a white boy and ya let him slide dropping nigga bombs? I’m sure that’s a small percentage on why everybody left this site, this site has never been this fucking dead EVER!!

    Ya can thank Jack swallows and his Gay BF for that shit parade.
    Verseman Got banned for voting for himself. what a Whack Faggot.
    Jack Swallows is whiter than Justin Timberlake dropping nigga bombs. [Smh]

  2. #17
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Tournament Schedule

    Just to clarify I also think Jack has brought a lot to the tourney too. Never no showed, competes in the cyphers & competitions, dude is definitely no slouch. I have no idea of his true ethnicity.
    There's a lot of people who use the N word questionably, logic would dictate that it should only be used by people who would have been enslaved whilst slavery was in full effect and therefore would have been referred to as the N word in a derogatory sense, but it seems to be more like anyone who isn't white (& rosenberg raw) can do so. Hence I cannot make logical sense of it & don't have a solid enough understanding to pass judgement.

  3. #18

    Re: Tournament Schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by KnoXville. View Post
    See how ass hurt you get? Before you joined this site everything was great before u and ur gay Boyfriend Wanted to ruin everything.
    You cried cuz they didn’t give u a job promotion on a free forum lmaoo
    So u just went around getting on your knees blowing everything your way. That’s your style not mines fuck boy.

    Bro I ain’t gonna lie I know wtf I bring and do every time I join a league. There was MFs logging in that haven’t logged in on RB in MONTHS cuz I bring activity. Aside the bullshit I actually compete and battle, hold shit the fuck down. Of course Jack gonna hate he’s been an hater since he joined. Unlike jack who sucks dick and thinks he’s a dope rapper by giving everybody non sense feedback the guy is a complete moron. And a cock swallowing delulu.

    Don’t gass him up plz the guy is a white boy and ya let him slide dropping nigga bombs? I’m sure that’s a small percentage on why everybody left this site, this site has never been this fucking dead EVER!!

    Ya can thank Jack swallows and his Gay BF for that shit parade.
    only nigga here butthurt is you, obese coward. butthurt online & butthurt cuz your gross weight crushes your ass bones everytime you sit lmao.

    i don’t get mad. i laugh at your antics and then tell you exactly why you’re a clown. receipts every fucking time, while you parrot the same shit every post and haven’t shown up with even the slightest proof of your accusations yet.

    meanwhile the site admin already debunked your multiple account voting bullshit. and i’m about to have @Bag Mandela prove you wrong again. Bag look out for my pm lol.

    but Lmao @ you looking for help with your baseless claims.. nigga where is your proof i’m white?? you know nothing about me.

    “i’M sUrE tHaT’s wHy EvErYbOdY lEfT” oh please, you’re a clueless bitch & have zero basis for that claim outside of your own mentally ill frame of mind.

    & roflll @ you claiming responsibility for the site activity.. narcissistic bitch really suffer from main character syndrome. is that why you’ve adopted this persona of The Only Non-White on the Internet™?? cuz you think the text battle rap world revolves around you? damn son i’m cryin laughin. straight leant.

    please, show us where niggas is praising you for being responsible for the revitalization of their text career. fuck it, pretty please nigga. lmaoo

    & lastly, you keep on letting your heart slip everytime you bring up this mod shit lmao. i’ve never asked to be modded. you, on the other hand did & niggas ignored you & kept it moving

    you don’t come here to rap. you come here to play a starring role in your own telenovela, dramatic bitch.

    c’mon man stop playing with me.

  4. #19
    Your The Jackass. KnoXville.'s Avatar
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    Re: Tournament Schedule

    If you wasn’t so pressed or ass dented from what I say why the fuck do you write a rant of a wall to reply back?
    Go play in traffic virgin ass MF. Nobody got time to read all that bullshit nonsense queer ass mf.

    I can bet my left testicle you bitching and complaining like always u fucking dramatic ass bitch go eat dick in a corner.
    Last edited by KnoXville.; December 10th, 2024 at 01:08 PM
    Verseman Got banned for voting for himself. what a Whack Faggot.
    Jack Swallows is whiter than Justin Timberlake dropping nigga bombs. [Smh]

  5. #20

    Re: Tournament Schedule

    nigga you read every single thing i write you self important bitch. & then when you reach a point you know you can’t fake your way out of, you pretend you didn’t read it stop being pathetic already.

    why do i always break down your psychological profile in such a thorough manner? because 1) fuck you. & 2) you’re an illiterate migrant so i like forcing you to try to read as much as possible.

    & lmao you’d need to possess balls first in order to wager one. & yours shriveled up ages ago with the amount of estrogen emitting from your orifices every time you make a bitch move.. so basically everytime you breathe.

  6. #21
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Tournament Schedule

    Probably not what you wanna hear Knox but Jack's proof-of-ethnicity PM is super legit. I'm neutral in all this & don't know how it all began but I am curious to know the reason you think he lacks sufficient melanin to say what he says. I don't see a problem with you calling people out for saying it if you know they don't fit the criteria, but I think you're barking up the wrong tree with Jack. Doesn't mean you can't still abuse one another, it's great, but I'd say the race angle is off the table.

  7. #22
    Your The Jackass. KnoXville.'s Avatar
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    Re: Tournament Schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hallows View Post
    nigga you read every single thing i write you self important bitch. & then when you reach a point you know you can’t fake your way out of, you pretend you didn’t read it stop being pathetic already.

    why do i always break down your psychological profile in such a thorough manner? because 1) fuck you. & 2) you’re an illiterate migrant so i like forcing you to try to read as much as possible.

    & lmao you’d need to possess balls first in order to wager one. & yours shriveled up ages ago with the amount of estrogen emitting from your orifices every time you make a bitch move.. so basically everytime you breathe.
    I really don’t read shit you write in all reality I read the first two lines and immediately get disgusted and wanna slice your fucking little throat Dirty Bitch, your not important for me to read all that rant cuz your pussy is hurting bitch.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bag Mandela View Post
    Probably not what you wanna hear Knox but Jack's proof-of-ethnicity PM is super legit. I'm neutral in all this & don't know how it all began but I am curious to know the reason you think he lacks sufficient melanin to say what he says. I don't see a problem with you calling people out for saying it if you know they don't fit the criteria, but I think you're barking up the wrong tree with Jack. Doesn't mean you can't still abuse one another, it's great, but I'd say the race angle is off the table.
    If you’re defending this white boy who drops NIGGA bombs on a forum we’re no longer cool dammit. Ya do know this cracka white?
    Verseman Got banned for voting for himself. what a Whack Faggot.
    Jack Swallows is whiter than Justin Timberlake dropping nigga bombs. [Smh]

  8. #23

    Re: Tournament Schedule

    thank you @Bag Mandela for being kind enough to review said evidence of my non-caucushisness lmao.

    and let’s not forget this gem:

    Quote Originally Posted by Nohbody View Post
    I cross referenced Hollows IP history to every person who voted in the 1-2 punch league and has a post count under 500 and it turns up nothing in the results. Some of them have two user names registered with the same IP, however, I have not found a battle where someone voted twice in any given battle using aliases.

    yea, there are always means to circumvent the system . . . but just using the search function tools don't really support evidence of this. And while I didn't go too in depth, I did a 2 layer search on all the IP's I found associated with the registered accounts.
    and just like that, the two main sources of tearfall for r!cantheoryz and his superweirdo alter ego knoxville have been thoroughly debunked.

    looks like i’m an upstanding citizen nigga. wrap that shit around a dick to make it easier for you to digest lol.

    you see how this backfired on you, rican? you spoke real greazy about not “running to staff” only to publicly try to sway a moderator into taking action based off a false accusation. how stupid are you? lol. ever since i been here you been tryna tell the mods & admins what to do, and it’s always been shit that benefits you, and never the overall good of the site. smfh..

    you’re a selfish, delusional, childish, self aggrandizing, manipulative, petulant, vote swaying, battle ducking, verse feeding, hate voting, non spelling, petty, hypocritical, bipolar, pathologically lying, narcissistic, cowardly excuse for a man, let alone a battle emcee. you need Jesus nigga. and not Heysus the orange vendor. i’m talking Yehoshua HaMashiach.

    i’m sure your migrant shelter has a dictionary somewhere in it, idiot. use it.

    every single thing you’ve accused me of looks more like a confession on your part.

    nigga begging to be a mod & getting straight ignored rofl..

    nigga begging for cypher trophies despite being terrified of entering one even for a cash prize.

    the bullshit you pulled in this thread, crying to a moderator tryna get me banned cuz you hoped i was a racist like you lmao.

    running around posting under multiple accounts like a fucking schizo bitch.

    everything you’ve accused me of, there is public proof of you engaging in that behavior lmao..

    the site admins and mods already put you in your place more than twice regarding me ahahaha..

    you’re cooked, coward. all you can do now is yell into empty air.

    you’ll never admit how stupid you feel, but i know you feel stupid as FUCK. and you should
    Last edited by Jack Hallows; December 13th, 2024 at 03:49 AM Reason: Links for proof lol

  9. #24

    Lightbulb Re: Tournament Schedule


    to mark the momentous occasion of my full exoneration, and the moderator affirmed revelation that i am, in fact, a man of color, i have come bearing gifts:

    everyone participating in the tourney gets a nigga pass until the next round starts, or until i formally rescind the pass.

    this includes in verses, conversationally and even amongst personal friends and family offline. if they have any questions regarding your usage, direct them here.

    this goes for everyone everyone excluding ricantheoryz/knoxville, who is a non black man who has facilitated unauthorized usage of the word nigga and who has also used racially offensive terms like honkey, cracker, wigger and white boy in a derogatory and hateful manner. your pass is hereby revoked indefinitely.

    to the rest of you niggas, let’s all have a niggardly grand time showing niggas how a real nigga get in they bag.

    - - - Updated - - -

    @Bag Mandela @HEK TEAFY @mal diction @Slayerr. @TheShaman @Virbius @MV

    come redeem your passes niggas.
    Last edited by Jack Hallows; December 13th, 2024 at 11:27 AM Reason: mention link repair

  10. #25
    Your The Jackass. KnoXville.'s Avatar
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    Re: Tournament Schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hallows View Post
    thank you @Bag Mandela for being kind enough to review said evidence of my non-caucushisness lmao.

    and let’s not forget this gem:

    and just like that, the two main sources of tearfall for r!cantheoryz and his superweirdo alter ego knoxville have been thoroughly debunked.

    looks like i’m an upstanding citizen nigga. wrap that shit around a dick to make it easier for you to digest lol.

    you see how this backfired on you, rican? you spoke real greazy about not “running to staff” only to publicly try to sway a moderator into taking action based off a false accusation. how stupid are you? lol. ever since i been here you been tryna tell the mods & admins what to do, and it’s always been shit that benefits you, and never the overall good of the site. smfh..

    you’re a selfish, delusional, childish, self aggrandizing, manipulative, petulant, vote swaying, battle ducking, verse feeding, hate voting, non spelling, petty, hypocritical, bipolar, pathologically lying, narcissistic, cowardly excuse for a man, let alone a battle emcee. you need Jesus nigga. and not Heysus the orange vendor. i’m talking Yehoshua HaMashiach.

    i’m sure your migrant shelter has a dictionary somewhere in it, idiot. use it.

    every single thing you’ve accused me of looks more like a confession on your part.

    nigga begging to be a mod & getting straight ignored rofl..

    nigga begging for cypher trophies despite being terrified of entering one even for a cash prize.

    the bullshit you pulled in this thread, crying to a moderator tryna get me banned cuz you hoped i was a racist like you lmao.

    running around posting under multiple accounts like a fucking schizo bitch.

    everything you’ve accused me of, there is public proof of you engaging in that behavior lmao..

    the site admins and mods already put you in your place more than twice regarding me ahahaha..

    you’re cooked, coward. all you can do now is yell into empty air.

    you’ll never admit how stupid you feel, but i know you feel stupid as FUCK. and you should
    Lmao look at you like child who was always neglected happy a admin came to put his cape on to save you from the the pain?
    You think I give a fuck what he debunked? He wasn’t around when verseman was talking about hiding IP addresses u fucking Moronic Basturd. If I wrapped it up around a dick your faggit ass would try to suck or sit on it cuz that’s how u roll u bend me over bitch, don’t be tagging me in no weirdo shit u pushed all the remaining active members away you ruined this site with your faggit Verseman that not even the admins or mods are pushing this shit Anymore lmao

    The only person arguing with air is YOU fucking faggit cuz wtf does your bitch ass do? You wait for me to come reply so you can have your panties in a bunch like u always do what color thong u got up yo ass fruit cake?
    Seems like u swapped it out every other 47 hours dirty bitch.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Why would I feel stupid? Your the pathetic bitch here who came with Verseman trying to act like ya ran shit but you two was gay white lovers is wtf ya two was if anybody is to feel stupid is your stupid ass for asking to join a free forum and work for free u measly ugly bitch.

    You got denied a staff position not me.
    You cried about voting here not me
    You and Verseman both was making fake accounts and voting for ya selfs NOT ME.
    And while all this was happening you sat around and put every single members dick in your hand and throat while forgetting all the bullshit u caused … if anybody was to feel stupid here it’s YOU little ass bitch. Your white and u running around a rap forum dropping nigga bombs like you can’t get your face broke in real life but of course you feel invincible behind a computer screen your a super gangsta my Fault.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hallows View Post

    to mark the momentous occasion of my full exoneration, and the moderator affirmed revelation that i am, in fact, a man of color, i have come bearing gifts:

    everyone participating in the tourney gets a nigga pass until the next round starts, or until i formally rescind the pass.

    this includes in verses, conversationally and even amongst personal friends and family offline. if they have any questions regarding your usage, direct them here.

    this goes for everyone everyone excluding ricantheoryz/knoxville, who is a non black man who has facilitated unauthorized usage of the word nigga and who has also used racially offensive terms like honkey, cracker, wigger and white boy in a derogatory and hateful manner. your pass is hereby revoked indefinitely.

    to the rest of you niggas, let’s all have a niggardly grand time showing niggas how a real nigga get in they bag.

    - - - Updated - - -

    @Bag Mandela @HEK TEAFY @mal diction @Slayerr. @TheShaman @Virbius @MV

    come redeem your passes niggas.
    You see how corny you are? You tagged about 3 white ass Australians to go head and drop nigga bombs? lmao do you not see the clown shit you condone? I’m surprised they haven’t banned your stupid ass. I forgot nobody logs in here anymore good jobs PUSSy.
    Verseman Got banned for voting for himself. what a Whack Faggot.
    Jack Swallows is whiter than Justin Timberlake dropping nigga bombs. [Smh]

  11. #26
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Tournament Schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by KnoXville. View Post
    If you’re defending this white boy who drops NIGGA bombs on a forum we’re no longer cool dammit. Ya do know this cracka white?
    I got sent a video which on it's own seemed plausible, but I checked the rest of the channel it was on to make sure & it all looks legitimate. There's obviously the possibility that someone else with the same pseudonym, life history & interests exists & Jack managed to find their several year old channel but it seems less likely that is the case.
    I can only base things on what I see which is why I wanted to know why you believe Jack to be white.
    Nelson Mandela is obviously someone I revere highly so you should already know I wouldn't defend someone I knew was white dropping N bombs.

    Appreciate the pass Jack but I don't even say it when I'm on my 1s

  12. #27

    Re: Tournament Schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by KnoXville. View Post
    Please put it in my butt
    tl;dr crybaby ass coward lmao. remember when you made all these accusations about me, tried to get me banned and at every turn niggas debunked you & showed receipts of you doing all the shit you accused me of doing?

    you sooooo fucking tearful you writing entire pages of nothing now. same baseless shit, just longer instances of it ROFL..

    you’re done son.. so fucking mad you’re not even dropping verses anymore, just color commentary on your opponent’s bars ahahahaha i’m fuckin layed outttttt. that shit you pulled in your 1-2 battle with Bag took me out lmfaoooo.

    this nigga retired from text to become a bar announcer.

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