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Thread: RW WK6: FaQEyeReddit vs Jack Hallows (Jack Wins)

  1. #1
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    RW WK6: FaQEyeReddit vs Jack Hallows (Jack Wins)

    Held 4 Ransom Battle
    Bars due Wednesday 11th December
    Public voting closes Saturday 14th December
    Overall public vote = 1 vote
    MV’s vote = 1 vote
    Bags vote = 1 vote
    6 lines each (doesn’t have to be 3 bars with a set up, punch format, you have creative freedom)

    Posting explanations / references below your bars is strongly recommended.
    Rebuttals, late drops (unless you have a 24hr ext) & no shows are an instant loss.
    The theme for this round is that you have kidnapped your opponent & are currently holding them hostage for ransom. You can write about how you're gonna fuck em up, have a phone call with whoever’s gonna pay the ransom or anything else related to the situation.

    @FaQEyeReddit @Jack Hallows

    Sign up to the audio competition (stickied) if you haven't already, over $100 in prize money.

  2. #2

    Re: RW WK6: FaQEyeReddit vs Jack Hallows

    ahaha.. dope. stick ‘em up ya lily livered lump’a limburger! yer comin with me!

  3. #3
    You've Earned a Custom Title! FaQEyeReddit's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK6: FaQEyeReddit vs Jack Hallows

    haha cheers jack
    FAQ - pronounced fack…
    Eye or E.Y.E - divination (seek knowledge using computers)
    Reddit- A web “sight” with frequent asked and answered questions.
    it should read Fa, Q, I read it for kicks

  4. #4

    Re: RW WK6: FaQEyeReddit vs Jack Hallows

    me & FAQ been springin’ traps & sneak attacks like Spy vs Spy
    easy catch, i’ll bring him back… payment’s an eye for an Eye.
    son isn’t safe. runs to escape? he’ll have his number erased
    got this ankles strung up & placed w/ industrial waste in front of his face
    you know what’s in store, i’ll lower him more if i declare indecision
    he’ll be Jack’s Skelleton but to his fam? a Nightmare before Christmas…

  5. #5
    You've Earned a Custom Title! FaQEyeReddit's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK6: FaQEyeReddit vs Jack Hallows

    I'm lattttte damn had shit going on I hope this does well vs jack bro a beast....

    Spotted jack n Jill snook up and left knots everywhere like im tryna show'em the ropes...
    Their bodies got the lastride on the pickup like the undertaker when i put him and his hoe in a choke...
    Hammer on his head ready to blow a screw loose if i dont hear his ransoms all paid..
    His Mom screaming you can have the house or the sums, what ever you want, thats our jack of all trades....
    But i still Killed him and his bitch then sent his body -TO HIS FAM-..
    I Caught two bodies and turned one in.. im saying this the FUSION DANCE...
    FAQ - pronounced fack…
    Eye or E.Y.E - divination (seek knowledge using computers)
    Reddit- A web “sight” with frequent asked and answered questions.
    it should read Fa, Q, I read it for kicks

  6. #6
    Lyrical Fire Slayerr.'s Avatar
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    Re: RW WK6: FaQEyeReddit vs Jack Hallows

    Pretty close battle here jacks flowed nicely with vivid imagery but felt he lacked any real complexity to his executions which let down a couple of really nice concepts, faqs verse didn’t flow as well as usual but had his nice little bits of word play seasoning the verse but I think he also lacked a haymaker

    Overall I wouldn’t be mad if this went either way I just feel like faq had a little bit more going on literature wise in his verse with little bits of word play which I tend to care more about that smooth flow in text. If someone prefers flow jack probably takes this for them but my personal preferences gives this to faq

  7. #7
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK6: FaQEyeReddit vs Jack Hallows

    me & FAQ been springin’ traps & sneak attacks like Spy vs Spy nice reference, also an opportunity for Knox to comment on how one of the spies was white
    easy catch, i’ll bring him back… payment’s an eye for an Eye. Solid flow & rhyming throughout & the punch was pretty slick
    son isn’t safe. runs to escape? he’ll have his number erased
    got this ankles strung up & placed w/ industrial waste in front of his face Nicely structured n phrased, multis were great, good to see a straight up rhyme & flow flex in the themed rounds
    you know what’s in store, i’ll lower him more if i declare indecision
    he’ll be Jack’s Skelleton but to his fam? a Nightmare before Christmas… Dope closing punch, incorporating the theme & upcoming seasonal trauma to full effect. Also thought "I'll lower him more if I declare indecision" was pretty funny, gonna try switch a couple "not sure"s for "I hereby declare indecision"s in regular conversation.

    Spotted jack n Jill snook up and left knots everywhere like im tryna show'em the ropes...
    Their bodies got the lastride on the pickup like the undertaker when i put him and his hoe in a choke... The knots & show em the ropes set up was pretty smooth, maybe could've done a bit more with that but the undertaker punch was a nice switch up
    Hammer on his head ready to blow a screw loose if i dont hear his ransoms all paid..
    His Mom screaming you can have the house or the sums, what ever you want, thats our jack of all trades.... This was a nice idea with the jack of all trades concept but it's hard to make it work in this context
    But i still Killed him and his bitch then sent his body -TO HIS FAM-..
    I Caught two bodies and turned one in.. im saying this the FUSION DANCE... Had to look up fusion dance, seems solid, anime isn't my thing but the wordplay worked nicely

    Decent battle, got Jack winning with the separation occurring about halfway through the verses, although I don't think Faq was at his best in this. Props both.

    Vote Jack Hallows

  8. #8
    You've Earned a Custom Title!
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    Re: RW WK6: FaQEyeReddit vs Jack Hallows (Open 4 votes)

    Ah man this one’s hard to judge. FaQ had some great concepts, I’ve seen Jack of all trades used here before and the execution wasn’t as clean as it could’ve been. I don’t know anything about the Undertaker or the Fusion Dance, which reduced the impact for me. Not faQ’s fault, just unfortunate. I could see that the punches were dope though.

    Jack had great concepts too, and was more consistent imo. I like the imagery with the spy vs spy stuff and the lowering into toxic waste, had a fun comic book vibe which ran through the entire verse. Good flow too.

    Vote- Jack

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