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Thread: eninem was such a monster in his prime

  1. #16
     Murder The Mainstream Nohbody's Avatar
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    Re: eninem was such a monster in his prime

    Canibus pretty much lost his credibility when he brought his notebook to a battle lmao what a clown

    Historically I would say Can and Em were neck in neck with their freestyles. . Big L was a "could have been" story. As dope as he was, his FULL potential was cut short due to his untimely death and his volume of work as it exists today does not really hang with Eminem imo

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  2. #17
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: eninem was such a monster in his prime

    Gotta be honest here, I always find these threads to be absolutely ridiculous as it always ends up being an argument primarily rooted in subjectivity.

    Well, X rapper was dope because of Y and rarely does it evolve past the first comment. But I guess the insight into WHY users feel that way is an interesting read...


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  3. #18

    Re: eninem was such a monster in his prime

    lose yourself was dope in terms of rhyme shcemes

  4. #19

    Re: eninem was such a monster in his prime

    Quote Originally Posted by Nohbody View Post
    Canibus pretty much lost his credibility when he brought his notebook to a battle lmao what a clown

    Historically I would say Can and Em were neck in neck with their freestyles. . Big L was a "could have been" story. As dope as he was, his FULL potential was cut short due to his untimely death and his volume of work as it exists today does not really hang with Eminem imo
    i knew someone was gonna bring up that battle lmao. to me it doesn’t diminish the work he’s put in & the impact he’s had on not only rap in general but battle rap specifically. to me, the battle signified the changing in times between how niggas used to rap & how niggas rap now in a battle sense & displays why you will hardly ever see a “mainstream” battle lyric oriented rapper step on that scene who wasn’t raised within this newer era of battle rap, like Cassidy who’s a hybrid in my opinion, combining classic punchline flow with the newer live format of battling. i definitely don’t think em could hang with someone like Dizaster either.. Dizaster does eminem’s chaotic style better than he does.

    in Canibus’ defense though, i had the opportunity to have a brief online discussion with him a few years back & i asked him about his arm being in a sling during the battle, cuz every time i wanna torture myself & rewatch that shit it really seems like something is off about dude as opposed to other live performances/cyphers i’ve seen him in. anyway, he didn’t really elaborate on the cause of the injury and definitely didn’t make any excuses, but he stated he had shoulder surgery for the first time & was under the influence of pain meds he’d never taken before, but didn’t want to cancel or postpone the battle, which i understand. in the end it seems to me that his impaired condition lead more to his defeat than anything else, cuz dude always puts out in performances. but ‘Bis being the emcee he is, i can see why he’d never try to cop out with that as an excuse, so he just kept it moving.

    i’m mad cuz i had the convo saved somewhere & i been looking for it for days to no avail.

  5. #20

    Re: eninem was such a monster in his prime

    Quote Originally Posted by Celph Taut View Post
    Gotta be honest here, I always find these threads to be absolutely ridiculous as it always ends up being an argument primarily rooted in subjectivity.

    Well, X rapper was dope because of Y and rarely does it evolve past the first comment. But I guess the insight into WHY users feel that way is an interesting read...
    this is why i always demand thorough explanations from people who make certain claims. cuz if cats’re gonna blow smoke up some ass, they better have the appropriate sized fan for it lol.

    i could write a phD dissertation about why Canibus shits on eminem lyrically. it’s that serious to me

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by pointproven View Post
    lose yourself was dope in terms of rhyme shcemes
    yeah Lose Yourself is def top 20 greatest hip hop songs of all time. probly his best track besides Stan.

  6. #21
     Murder The Mainstream Nohbody's Avatar
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    Re: eninem was such a monster in his prime

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hallows View Post
    i knew someone was gonna bring up that battle lmao. to me it doesn’t diminish the work he’s put in & the impact he’s had on not only rap in general but battle rap specifically. to me, the battle signified the changing in times between how niggas used to rap & how niggas rap now in a battle sense & displays why you will hardly ever see a “mainstream” battle lyric oriented rapper step on that scene who wasn’t raised within this newer era of battle rap, like Cassidy who’s a hybrid in my opinion, combining classic punchline flow with the newer live format of battling. i definitely don’t think em could hang with someone like Dizaster either.. Dizaster does eminem’s chaotic style better than he does.

    in Canibus’ defense though, i had the opportunity to have a brief online discussion with him a few years back & i asked him about his arm being in a sling during the battle, cuz every time i wanna torture myself & rewatch that shit it really seems like something is off about dude as opposed to other live performances/cyphers i’ve seen him in. anyway, he didn’t really elaborate on the cause of the injury and definitely didn’t make any excuses, but he stated he had shoulder surgery for the first time & was under the influence of pain meds he’d never taken before, but didn’t want to cancel or postpone the battle, which i understand. in the end it seems to me that his impaired condition lead more to his defeat than anything else, cuz dude always puts out in performances. but ‘Bis being the emcee he is, i can see why he’d never try to cop out with that as an excuse, so he just kept it moving.

    i’m mad cuz i had the convo saved somewhere & i been looking for it for days to no avail.
    its right to bring the laptop up because its one of the biggest blunders in rap battle history and Canibus owns it.

    no other rapper would get a pass... he dont get one either.

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  7. #22
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: eninem was such a monster in his prime

    Quote Originally Posted by Nohbody View Post
    its right to bring the laptop up because its one of the biggest blunders in rap battle history and Canibus owns it.

    no other rapper would get a pass... he dont get one either.

    Man, what a sad day and huge L for hip hop... in such an anticipated battle, too.

    To this day I can't watch that part of it... it's like seeing you're fucking hero growing up get annihilated. Just wiped off the fucking face of the earth.


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  8. #23

    Re: eninem was such a monster in his prime

    Quote Originally Posted by Nohbody View Post
    its right to bring the laptop up because its one of the biggest blunders in rap battle history and Canibus owns it.

    no other rapper would get a pass... he dont get one either.
    oh, i wasn’t saying we shouldn’t bring up the notebook. i’m just saying that for me, it has no bearing on what he’s done prior to the page flip heard around the world lol.

    i can’t disagree with your statement though. i’m just more forgiving than most, i suppose. especially given the context behind the fuck up. dude never should’ve took the battle in that condition so it really follows a long line of him making personal decisions that hurt his career in the aftermath.

    my dude really is a casework in what not to do as an emcee lmao. to me it just makes him more human. the illest nigga that never was.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Celph Taut View Post
    Man, what a sad day and huge L for hip hop... in such an anticipated battle, too.

    To this day I can't watch that part of it... it's like seeing you're fucking hero growing up get annihilated. Just wiped off the fucking face of the earth.
    100% this.. but i’m a glutton for punishment, i’ve watched that shit at least 5-7 times ugh. it’s like re-watching a gory fatal accident that you know is coming but can’t look away, only holding hope that this time the outcome will be different even though it’s entirely unrealistic.

  9. #24
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: eninem was such a monster in his prime

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hallows View Post
    oh, i wasn’t saying we shouldn’t bring up the notebook. i’m just saying that for me, it has no bearing on what he’s done prior to the page flip heard around the world lol.

    i can’t disagree with your statement though. i’m just more forgiving than most, i suppose. especially given the context behind the fuck up. dude never should’ve took the battle in that condition so it really follows a long line of him making personal decisions that hurt his career in the aftermath.

    my dude really is a casework in what not to do as an emcee lmao. to me it just makes him more human. the illest nigga that never was.

    - - - Updated - - -

    100% this.. but i’m a glutton for punishment, i’ve watched that shit at least 5-7 times ugh. it’s like re-watching a gory fatal accident that you know is coming but can’t look away, only holding hope that this time the outcome will be different even though it’s entirely unrealistic.

    It's funny how things come full circle.

    I mean, the overwhelming consensus is that Diz annihilated Canibus, only to be beat himself when Cassidy - a retired punchline/battle rapper himself - returned.

    Anyways, no real love lost in that battle. I'm glad it happened. Maybe not the way it did, but even if Canibus didn't have his predicament, I don't believe it would have been close... the notebook just made it more memorable, and probably did Dizaster a favor in that regard.

    Canibus still had a legendary run in the 90's that can't be discounted. A fucking beast that easily has the top 5 or 10 diss track of all time.
    I'm not gonna speculate on the story between him and Wyclef, or whatever happened between him and Em, but definitely a masterclass of raw talent to be some random kid from nowhere to blow up the way he did. He had more influence on me than any other rapper at the time and my old alias (Cannabarz) was obv a homage to him.

    As much as I dramatize the event between him and Diz, I didn't expect much from him at that point. He was obviously past his prime and doing it for a paycheck, and KOTD was more than willing to leverage that for views. All parties involved benefitted, even if it ended in cringe.


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

  10. #25

    Re: eninem was such a monster in his prime

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hallows View Post
    so you’re basing your claim of mathers being better than Bis off of rappity rap syllables and patterns as opposed to content, delivery and overall objective lyricism & skill?

    yeeaaahhhh, not feeling the criteria bro lol. eminem isn’t fucking with Canibus’ volume of lyricism at all, any day.

    also, going by the hip hop vocabulary database, Canibus vastly outshines eminem in terms of actual vocabulary. so all those rhyming syllables and patterns aren’t really doing shit of you’re not actually saying anything creative or different.
    rhyming does take skill

    and eminem does say creative shit imo.

  11. #26

    Re: eninem was such a monster in his prime

    Quote Originally Posted by Celph Taut View Post
    It's funny how things come full circle.

    I mean, the overwhelming consensus is that Diz annihilated Canibus, only to be beat himself when Cassidy - a retired punchline/battle rapper himself - returned.

    Anyways, no real love lost in that battle. I'm glad it happened. Maybe not the way it did, but even if Canibus didn't have his predicament, I don't believe it would have been close... the notebook just made it more memorable, and probably did Dizaster a favor in that regard.

    Canibus still had a legendary run in the 90's that can't be discounted. A fucking beast that easily has the top 5 or 10 diss track of all time.
    I'm not gonna speculate on the story between him and Wyclef, or whatever happened between him and Em, but definitely a masterclass of raw talent to be some random kid from nowhere to blow up the way he did. He had more influence on me than any other rapper at the time and my old alias (Cannabarz) was obv a homage to him.

    As much as I dramatize the event between him and Diz, I didn't expect much from him at that point. He was obviously past his prime and doing it for a paycheck, and KOTD was more than willing to leverage that for views. All parties involved benefitted, even if it ended in cringe.
    yesss Cassidy most definitely got in that ass. i’m glad too, cuz although i like Dizaster, i felt the same way about him that i felt about Brock Lesnar when he broke Undertaker’s streak. pure revilement. plus Cassidy mentioned previously that Bis is one of his influences as an emcees, so i always looked at that battle like the samurai protege on a mission to slay the man who killed his master lol.

    i agree that Diz may have gotten Bis about 7/10 times, but that opener “Those look like Tom Cruise mom shoes” runs through my head at least twice daily. straight troll bars lmaooo

    i think eminem would get bodied the same exact way.

    when it came to the Wyclef situation, Canibus was upset with the production. people were used to Canibus being this raw battle rappy dude but the beats and overall feel of the album left many people feeling like he was out of his element. personally i loved the album but Bis himself said that he felt Clef deliberately tried to undermined his album by making those types of beats for him to spit over & encouraging him to drop tracks that are wildly different than his expressed style. & of course, it wouldn’t be Canibus if he didn’t handle the situation with more tact. this was compounded by the fact that he thought Wyclef was taking LL’s side in the battle.

    with eminem, the beef happened when some toxic inner circle idiots had convinced Bis that eminem was ghostwriting for LL, namely on the track “ripper strikes back” & it all came to a head when Bis sent eminem a song to hop on for the 2000 BC album. the song was “Phuk U” but allegedly eminem wasn’t feeling it so she sent it back, which offended Canibus.

    the rest is history.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by pointproven View Post
    rhyming does take skill

    and eminem does say creative shit imo.
    no disputing your statements. rhyme does indeed take skill & eminem definitely says zany shit, along with being highly digestible. but even with those attributes going for him, he’d never be able to take Canibus on in a legit battle. dude is just too intelligent with the concepts. the deepest eminem goes with his concepts is talking some emotional shit about his kid or his upbringing.

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