Gonna own up I’ve been slack af, only got one verse recorded for my collab with bag
How’s everyone else getting on?
Gonna own up I’ve been slack af, only got one verse recorded for my collab with bag
How’s everyone else getting on?
nothing recorded yet but i’ve been writing a lot, i have multiple battles i’m scheduled for this month so i’ve been focusing on that but i’ve def been writing concepts for the beats i have on deck. i have a battle coming up in like a half hour & one next friday then i’ll have a good chunk of time to get some good track writing in without a distracted mindset.
i had a thought. we were talking about making a forum collab with as many RB spitters as are willing to participate, & i think it would be a good idea to lay the groundwork for that track. i started writing my verse for it, i was thinking 8-12 lines per participant, depending on how many are in could even push it to a 16 per.
i think working toward a track like this would spark some extra interest in folks. all we need is a beat & some beasts.
ooohoooooo shit Mal that track is Craaazy!! the vibe from the start is dope.. love the beat & it’s ill how your flow leaves room for the switches in the beat to pop. speaking of the flow, LOL maaan i fuck with the way you was playing with your voice & cadence. wasn’t all lyrical & wasn’t simple either, it was what the track needed & everything came together smoothly.
good shit Mal, that’s a solid ass track. 100%